BETA Corentin/Guillaume/Bryan/Hugo
C'est le delivery
podle LaBitoku
20 otázky
1. How many nations is the United Kingdom made up of ?
a 3
b 4
c 5
d 1,42
2. What is the most common religion in the UK ?
a Christianity
b Islam
c Buddhism
d Satanism
3. There are more people in Australia than in the UK.
a True
b False
4. What is the capital of Australia ?
a Melbourne
b Sydney
c New Castle
d Canberra
5. English language is about 65% of words of French origin.
a True
b False
6. What is the name of London's iconic clock ?
a Big Mouth
b Big Mama
c Big Ben
d Big Mac
7. What colour is the cross on the England flag ?
a White
b Blue
c Red
d Green
8. What is the England's currency ?
a Pound
b Euro
c Dollar
d Gold
9. Who is the greatest author of the English language ?
a William Saurin
b William Purin
c Franck Ribery
d William Shakespeare
10. Who is Boris Johnson ?
a A deputy
b Donald Trump cousin
c The Prime Minister
d Kim Kardashian manager
11. How many states is composed the USA of ?
a 51
b 50
c 42
d 52
12. American women obtained the right to vote in 1920.
a True
b False
13. Texas is the largest American state.
a True
b False
14. What is the England's national symbol ?
a The rose
b The beef
c The tea
d The 100
15. What is the English political system ?
a Monarchy
b Democracy
c Parliamentary monarchy
d Royal dictatorship
16. How many times has England organized the Olympic G. ?
a 3
b 2
c 0
d 1
17. Black Tuesday is the name given to the worst oil spill in NY.
a True
b False
18. The 13 bands of the US flag represent the 13 founding fathers.
a True
b False
19. What is the national sport of England ?
a Soccer
b Football
c Cricket
d Baseball
20. Who did this quizz in the group ?
a Corentin
b Guillaume
c Bryan
d Hugo