Toto HAS
Crée par Amandine Stéphanie et Héloïse.
podle tototeaches HAS
10 otázky
1. I have know my best friends .......... fourteen years.
a For
b Since
2. The girl has practiced gymnastic .......... 2000.
a Since
b For
3. Marck and Lara have been in Spain ......... last month.
a For
b Since
4. My parents have been divorced ........ 20 years.
a Since
b For
5. My sister hasn't broken his arm ......... a long time.
a For
b Since
6. I have met a dog ........ yesterday.
a Since
b For
7. Alice has speak english ........... the age of 6.
a For
b Since
8. I have played guitar .......... my birthday.
a For
b Since
9. The cat walked ............. one year.
a Since
b For
10. She has slept at hospital ......... three days3
a For
b Since