Doctor Who
It's the whovian quiz
podle Esra
10 otázky
1. Who is the waited girl?
a Martha
b River
c Amy
d Bill
2. Who is the doctor wife?
a Amy
b River
c Martha
d Bill
3. Which one is the girl nick name?
a Melody
b Tardis Girl
c Impossible Girl
d Bad Girl
4. Who is she?
a Timelady
b Doctors wife
c Doctors compain
d Donna
5. Which one is 11th doctors favorite food?
a Hamburger and cola
b Apple
c Cake
d Fish fingers and custard
6. Who is daleks creator?
a Rory
b Dalekenium
c Davros
d Nardole
7. Which one is the 9th doctor first word?
a Delete
b Run
c Move
d Rose
8. Which one are they favorite word?
a Delete
b Terminate
c Exterminate
d Fight
9. Which one are they favorite word?
a Delete
b Terminate
c Exterminate
d Fight
10. What is the doctor name?
a Robert
b Ronald
c Sam
d Secret